Vim Jam

This game is a submission to the very first Vim Jam. The Vim Jam is an game jam hosted by the game dev and youtuber Vimlark. The game jams theme was "there and back" and the jam focus  was "collectables". I used the theme and focus  that you've to start at the start platform collect all software cards download them at the download station and go back to start platform.


You move with  A D or the left and right arrow keys. Press space to jump. Press the left shift key to start grab at walls. Climb with W S or the up and down arrow keys. Press the left mouse button to dash (up with W; down with S; left with A; right with D or the arrow keys).


Make the game Fullscreen to have a better expierence while playing.


This is a game made by Ryder Studios.

The name of the creator is Daniel Münstermann. He's programmer, 2D artist and sound designer.  If you want to see more of Ryder Studios check the youtube channel called Ryder Studios out.

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